The reason is that the data stored in the used module does not match the data stored in the original. This is why, if there is a module failure, many times you cannot replace the defective module with one of the same type that is used but good. In a modern vehicle many of these components communicate with each other and share information over the cars internal network. The BCM controls the electrical functions in the vehicle, and when the BCM is faulty, gauges, lighting, windows, and wipers may act erratically or not at all.

Transmission shifting problems may also occur. The ECM is the engine’s brain generally, the car engine won’t crank, turn over, or start when critical electronic connections stop functioning. When an Engine Control Module (ECM) or Body Control Module (BCM) is damaged, most vehicles stop working or don’t perform optimally. Automobile manufacturers now use small, dedicated computers to control and monitor many vehicle functions. As time has progressed, vehicles have become more complex with the integration of mechanical components with electronics.